200 Excel Keyboard Shortcuts
There is no shortcut to success. Well.. there is when it comes to Excel.
Here is a list of 200+ Excel Keyboard Shortcuts that will save you tons of time.
Click on the categories below, or scroll down to see all the Excel Keyboard Shortcuts.
Workbook Related | Extending Selection | Charting | Cell Editing | Alignment | Mouse (Drag) | Navigation | Hide/Unhide | Named Ranges | General | Insert | Pivot Table |Cut, Copy, Paste | Formatting | Others | Data Entry | Formula Related | Excel VBA | Clear \ Find & Replace | Selection | Conditional Formatting
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Workbook
Create a new blank Workbook. CtrlN
Displays the Open Dialogue box to Open/Find a file. CtrlO
Saves the Workbook with its current file name, location, and file type. CtrlS
Opens the Save As dialogue box. F12
Opens the Print Preview Window. CtrlF2
Maximize or Restore Selected Workbook Window. CtrlF10
Minimize Workbook. CtrlF9
Switch to the Next Workbook. CtrlTab
Switch to the Previous Workbook. CtrlShiftTab
Close Current Workbook. AltF4
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Cell Editing
Edit Active Cell. F2
Start a New Line in the Same Cell. AltEnter
Select One Character on the Right of the Cursor. Shift→
Select One Character on the Left of the Cursor. Shift←
Jump one Word on the Right of the Cursor. Ctrl→
Jump one Word on the Left of the Cursor. Ctrl←
Select one Word on the Right of the Cursor. CtrlShift→
Select one Word on the Left of the Cursor. CtrlShift←
Delete One Character on the Left of the Cursor. Backspace
Delete Character on the Right of the Cursor. Delete
Delete to the End of the line (from the cursor). CtrlDelete
Cancel Entry. Esc
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Navigation
Move One Cell Up. ↑
Move One Cell Down. ↓
Move One Cell to the Right. →
Move One Cell to the Left. ←
Down One Screen. PageDown
Up One Screen. PageUp
Move One Screen to the Right. AltPageDown
Move One Screen to the Left. AltPageUp
Move to the Right Edge of the Data Region. Ctrl→
Move to the Left Edge of Data Region. Ctrl←
Move to Bottom edge of data region. Ctrl↓
Move to the Top Edge of Data Region. Ctrl↑
Move to the Bottom-right used Cell in the Worksheet. CtrlEnd
Go to the First Cell in the Current Region. CtrlHome
Move to the Beginning of the Row. Home
Move to Next Worksheet. CtrlPageDown
Move to Previous Worksheet. CtrlPageUp
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – General
Opens Help. F1
Repeats the last command or action. CtrlY
Repeats Last Action. F4
Undo. CtrlZ
Spell Check. F7
Apply Data Filter. CtrlShiftL
Activate Filter (when the cell with filter is selected). Alt↓
Display Go To Dialogue Box. F5
Display Go To Dialogue Box. CtrlG
Recalculate All Workbooks. F9
Calculate Active Worksheet. ShiftF9
Display the Print Menu. CtrlP
Turn On End Mode. End
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Cut, Copy, Paste
Copy Selected Cells. CtrlC
Cut Selected Cells. CtrlX
Paste Content from the Clipboard. CtrlV
Copy Formula from the Cell Above. Ctrl'
Copy Value from the Cell Above. Ctrl"
Display Paste Special Dialogue Box. CtrlAltV
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Data Entry
Enter and Move Down. Enter
Enter and Remain on the Same Cell. ControlEnter
Enter and Move Up. ShiftEnter
Enter and Move right. Tab
Enter and Move Left. ShiftTab
Enter Same Data in All Selected Cells. ControlEnter
Display AutoComplete list. Alt↓
Fill Down. CtrlD
Fill Right. CtrlR
Insert Current Date. Ctrl;
Insert Current Time. CtrlShift;
Start a New Line in the Same Cell. AltEnter
Cancel Cell Entry. ESC
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Clear
Clear Everything. AltHEA
Clear Formats Only. AltHEF
Clear Content Only. AltHEC
Clear Hyperlinks Only. AltHEL
Clear Comments Only. AltHEM
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Selection
Select the Current Region / Select All. CtrlA
Select Visible Cells in the Current Region. Alt;
Select the Current Region Around the Active Cell. CtrlShift*
Select Entire Row. ShiftSpace
Select Entire Column. CtrlSpace
Select All Cells that Contain Comments. CtrlShiftO
Select Row Differences. Ctrl\
Select Column Differences. CtrlShift|
Select Direct Precedents. Ctrl[
Select all Precedents. CtrlShift{
Select Direct Dependents. Ctrl]
Select all Dependents. CtrlShift}
Display Go To Dialogue Box. CtrlG
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Extending the Selection
Extend Selection to the Right by One Cell. Shift→
Extend Selection to the Left by One Cell. Shift←
Extend Selection Upwards by One Cell. Shift↑
Extend Selection Downwards by One Cell. Shift↓
Extend the Selection to the Right till the Last Cell. CtrlShift→
Extend the Selection to the Left till the Last Cell. CtrlShift←
Extend the Selection Upwards to the Last Cell. CtrlShift↑
Extend Selection Upwards by One Screen. ShiftPageUp
Extend Selection Downwards by One Screen. ShiftPageDown
Extend Selection to the Right by One Screen. ALTShiftPageUp
Extend Selection to the Left by One Screen. ALTShiftPageDown
Extend Selection to the Start of the Row. ShiftHome
Extend Selection to First Cell in the Worksheet. CtrlShiftHome
Extend Selection to the Last Cell in the Worksheet. CtrlShiftEnd
Toggle Extend Selection Mode. F8
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Alignment
Align Content to the Center of the Cell. AltHAC
Align Content to the Left of the Cell. AltHAL
Align Content to the Right of the Cell. AltHAR
Align Content to the Middle of the Cell. AltHAM
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Hide/Unhide (Rows, Columns, Objects)
Hide Selected Rows. Ctrl9
Hide Selected Columns. Ctrl0
Unhide Hidden Rows in Selection. CtrlShift9
Unhide Hidden Columns in Selection. CtrlShift0
Show/Hide Objects. Ctrl6
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Insert
Insert New Line in Same Cell. AltEnter
Insert New Worksheet. ShiftF11
Insert Row/Cell (shows dialogue box). CtrlShift=
Insert Current Date. Ctrl;
Insert Current Time. CtrlShift;
Insert Table. CtrlT
Insert Hyperlink. CtrlK
Insert Argument Names into Formula. CtrlShiftA
Insert/Edit Cell Comment. ShiftF2
Delete Row/Cell (shows dialogue box). Ctrl-
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Formatting
Make Text Bold. CtrlB
Make Text Italics. CtrlI
Place outline Border around the Selected Cells. CtrlShift7
Remove Outline Border. CtrlShift_
Underline Text. CtrlU
Apply Strikethrough Format. Ctrl5
Apply Indent. AltH6
Remove Indent. AltH5
Increase Font Size by One Step. AltHFG
Decrease Font Size by One Step. AltHFK
Apply the Number format with Two Decimal Places, Thousands Separator, and a Minus Sign for Negative Values. CtrlShift!
Apply the Date format with the Day, Month, and Year. CtrlShift#
Apply the Currency Format with Two Decimal Places. CtrlShift$
Apply the Percentage Format with No Decimal Places. CtrlShift%
Apply the Time format with the Hour and Minute, and indicate A.M. or P.M. CtrlShift@
Apply the General Number Format. CtrlShift~
Apply the Exponential Format. CtrlShift^
Displays the Format Style Dialog Box. Alt'
Displays the Format Cells Dialogue Box. Ctrl1
Displays the Font Dialogue Box. ShiftCtrlF
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Formula Related
Insert Autosum Formula. Alt=
While Typing a Formula, Switches Cell Reference from Absolute to Relative. F4
Expand/Collapse Formula Bar. CtrlShiftU
Display the Insert Function Dialog Box. ShiftF3
Enter a Formula as an Array Formula. CtrlShiftEnter
Evaluate Part of the Formula. F9
Select the Array Containing the Active Cell. CTRL/
Select All Cells Directly or Indirectly Referenced by Formulas in the Selection. CTRL[
Select Cells that Contain Formulas that Directly or Indirectly Reference the Active Cell. CTRL]
Toggle Value/Formula display. Ctrl`
Rechecks Dependent Formulas and then Calculates all Cells in all Open Workbooks. CtrlAltShiftF9
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Find and Replace
Display Find and Replace Dialogue Box (Find Selected). CtrlF
Display Find and Replace Dialogue Box (Replace Selected). CtrlH
Find Next Match. ShiftF4
Find Previous Match. CtrlShiftF4
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Conditional Formatting
Open Conditional Formatting Dialogue Box. AltOD
Clear Conditional from Selected Cells. AltHLCS
Clear Conditional from the Entire Worksheet. AltHLCE
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Charting
Inserts Chart in the Worksheet (using the selected data). AltF1
Inserts a ChartSheet with a Chart (using the selected data). F11
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Drag (Mouse)
Drag and Copy. CtrlDrag
Drag and Cut. Drag
Drag and Insert. ShiftDrag
Duplicate Worksheet. CtrlDrag
Switch Position of Cells/Rows/Columns. CtrlShiftDrag
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Named Ranges
Get a List of All Defined Named Ranges. F3
Create Named Range from Selection. CtrlShiftF3
Define Name Dialog Box. CtrlF3
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Pivot Table
Display Insert Pivot Table Dialogue Box. AltNV
Open Pivot Table Wizard. AltDP
Select Entire Pivot Table (excluding Report Filters). CtrlA
Add/Remove Checkmark for Selected Field in PivotTable Field List. Space
Group Selected Pivot Table Items. AltShift→
UnGroup Pivot Table Items. AltShift←
Select the Next Item in PivotTable Field List or Items List. ↓
Select a Previous Item in PivotTable Field List or Items List. ↑
Select Last Visible Item in List. End
Select First Visible Item in List. Home
Open Field List for Active Cell. Alt↓
Hide Selected Item or Field. Ctrl–
Opens Calculated Field dialog box (when data field is selected). ShiftCtrl=
Opens Calculated Item Dialog box (when field heading cell is Selected). ShiftCtrl=
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Others
Here is a list of 200+ Excel Keyboard Shortcuts that will save you tons of time.
Click on the categories below, or scroll down to see all the Excel Keyboard Shortcuts.
Workbook Related | Extending Selection | Charting | Cell Editing | Alignment | Mouse (Drag) | Navigation | Hide/Unhide | Named Ranges | General | Insert | Pivot Table |Cut, Copy, Paste | Formatting | Others | Data Entry | Formula Related | Excel VBA | Clear \ Find & Replace | Selection | Conditional Formatting
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Workbook
Create a new blank Workbook. CtrlN
Displays the Open Dialogue box to Open/Find a file. CtrlO
Saves the Workbook with its current file name, location, and file type. CtrlS
Opens the Save As dialogue box. F12
Opens the Print Preview Window. CtrlF2
Maximize or Restore Selected Workbook Window. CtrlF10
Minimize Workbook. CtrlF9
Switch to the Next Workbook. CtrlTab
Switch to the Previous Workbook. CtrlShiftTab
Close Current Workbook. AltF4
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Cell Editing
Edit Active Cell. F2
Start a New Line in the Same Cell. AltEnter
Select One Character on the Right of the Cursor. Shift→
Select One Character on the Left of the Cursor. Shift←
Jump one Word on the Right of the Cursor. Ctrl→
Jump one Word on the Left of the Cursor. Ctrl←
Select one Word on the Right of the Cursor. CtrlShift→
Select one Word on the Left of the Cursor. CtrlShift←
Delete One Character on the Left of the Cursor. Backspace
Delete Character on the Right of the Cursor. Delete
Delete to the End of the line (from the cursor). CtrlDelete
Cancel Entry. Esc
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Navigation
Move One Cell Up. ↑
Move One Cell Down. ↓
Move One Cell to the Right. →
Move One Cell to the Left. ←
Down One Screen. PageDown
Up One Screen. PageUp
Move One Screen to the Right. AltPageDown
Move One Screen to the Left. AltPageUp
Move to the Right Edge of the Data Region. Ctrl→
Move to the Left Edge of Data Region. Ctrl←
Move to Bottom edge of data region. Ctrl↓
Move to the Top Edge of Data Region. Ctrl↑
Move to the Bottom-right used Cell in the Worksheet. CtrlEnd
Go to the First Cell in the Current Region. CtrlHome
Move to the Beginning of the Row. Home
Move to Next Worksheet. CtrlPageDown
Move to Previous Worksheet. CtrlPageUp
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – General
Opens Help. F1
Repeats the last command or action. CtrlY
Repeats Last Action. F4
Undo. CtrlZ
Spell Check. F7
Apply Data Filter. CtrlShiftL
Activate Filter (when the cell with filter is selected). Alt↓
Display Go To Dialogue Box. F5
Display Go To Dialogue Box. CtrlG
Recalculate All Workbooks. F9
Calculate Active Worksheet. ShiftF9
Display the Print Menu. CtrlP
Turn On End Mode. End
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Cut, Copy, Paste
Copy Selected Cells. CtrlC
Cut Selected Cells. CtrlX
Paste Content from the Clipboard. CtrlV
Copy Formula from the Cell Above. Ctrl'
Copy Value from the Cell Above. Ctrl"
Display Paste Special Dialogue Box. CtrlAltV
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Data Entry
Enter and Move Down. Enter
Enter and Remain on the Same Cell. ControlEnter
Enter and Move Up. ShiftEnter
Enter and Move right. Tab
Enter and Move Left. ShiftTab
Enter Same Data in All Selected Cells. ControlEnter
Display AutoComplete list. Alt↓
Fill Down. CtrlD
Fill Right. CtrlR
Insert Current Date. Ctrl;
Insert Current Time. CtrlShift;
Start a New Line in the Same Cell. AltEnter
Cancel Cell Entry. ESC
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Clear
Clear Everything. AltHEA
Clear Formats Only. AltHEF
Clear Content Only. AltHEC
Clear Hyperlinks Only. AltHEL
Clear Comments Only. AltHEM
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Selection
Select the Current Region / Select All. CtrlA
Select Visible Cells in the Current Region. Alt;
Select the Current Region Around the Active Cell. CtrlShift*
Select Entire Row. ShiftSpace
Select Entire Column. CtrlSpace
Select All Cells that Contain Comments. CtrlShiftO
Select Row Differences. Ctrl\
Select Column Differences. CtrlShift|
Select Direct Precedents. Ctrl[
Select all Precedents. CtrlShift{
Select Direct Dependents. Ctrl]
Select all Dependents. CtrlShift}
Display Go To Dialogue Box. CtrlG
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Extending the Selection
Extend Selection to the Right by One Cell. Shift→
Extend Selection to the Left by One Cell. Shift←
Extend Selection Upwards by One Cell. Shift↑
Extend Selection Downwards by One Cell. Shift↓
Extend the Selection to the Right till the Last Cell. CtrlShift→
Extend the Selection to the Left till the Last Cell. CtrlShift←
Extend the Selection Upwards to the Last Cell. CtrlShift↑
Extend Selection Upwards by One Screen. ShiftPageUp
Extend Selection Downwards by One Screen. ShiftPageDown
Extend Selection to the Right by One Screen. ALTShiftPageUp
Extend Selection to the Left by One Screen. ALTShiftPageDown
Extend Selection to the Start of the Row. ShiftHome
Extend Selection to First Cell in the Worksheet. CtrlShiftHome
Extend Selection to the Last Cell in the Worksheet. CtrlShiftEnd
Toggle Extend Selection Mode. F8
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Alignment
Align Content to the Center of the Cell. AltHAC
Align Content to the Left of the Cell. AltHAL
Align Content to the Right of the Cell. AltHAR
Align Content to the Middle of the Cell. AltHAM
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Hide/Unhide (Rows, Columns, Objects)
Hide Selected Rows. Ctrl9
Hide Selected Columns. Ctrl0
Unhide Hidden Rows in Selection. CtrlShift9
Unhide Hidden Columns in Selection. CtrlShift0
Show/Hide Objects. Ctrl6
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Insert
Insert New Line in Same Cell. AltEnter
Insert New Worksheet. ShiftF11
Insert Row/Cell (shows dialogue box). CtrlShift=
Insert Current Date. Ctrl;
Insert Current Time. CtrlShift;
Insert Table. CtrlT
Insert Hyperlink. CtrlK
Insert Argument Names into Formula. CtrlShiftA
Insert/Edit Cell Comment. ShiftF2
Delete Row/Cell (shows dialogue box). Ctrl-
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Formatting
Make Text Bold. CtrlB
Make Text Italics. CtrlI
Place outline Border around the Selected Cells. CtrlShift7
Remove Outline Border. CtrlShift_
Underline Text. CtrlU
Apply Strikethrough Format. Ctrl5
Apply Indent. AltH6
Remove Indent. AltH5
Increase Font Size by One Step. AltHFG
Decrease Font Size by One Step. AltHFK
Apply the Number format with Two Decimal Places, Thousands Separator, and a Minus Sign for Negative Values. CtrlShift!
Apply the Date format with the Day, Month, and Year. CtrlShift#
Apply the Currency Format with Two Decimal Places. CtrlShift$
Apply the Percentage Format with No Decimal Places. CtrlShift%
Apply the Time format with the Hour and Minute, and indicate A.M. or P.M. CtrlShift@
Apply the General Number Format. CtrlShift~
Apply the Exponential Format. CtrlShift^
Displays the Format Style Dialog Box. Alt'
Displays the Format Cells Dialogue Box. Ctrl1
Displays the Font Dialogue Box. ShiftCtrlF
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Formula Related
Insert Autosum Formula. Alt=
While Typing a Formula, Switches Cell Reference from Absolute to Relative. F4
Expand/Collapse Formula Bar. CtrlShiftU
Display the Insert Function Dialog Box. ShiftF3
Enter a Formula as an Array Formula. CtrlShiftEnter
Evaluate Part of the Formula. F9
Select the Array Containing the Active Cell. CTRL/
Select All Cells Directly or Indirectly Referenced by Formulas in the Selection. CTRL[
Select Cells that Contain Formulas that Directly or Indirectly Reference the Active Cell. CTRL]
Toggle Value/Formula display. Ctrl`
Rechecks Dependent Formulas and then Calculates all Cells in all Open Workbooks. CtrlAltShiftF9
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Find and Replace
Display Find and Replace Dialogue Box (Find Selected). CtrlF
Display Find and Replace Dialogue Box (Replace Selected). CtrlH
Find Next Match. ShiftF4
Find Previous Match. CtrlShiftF4
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Conditional Formatting
Open Conditional Formatting Dialogue Box. AltOD
Clear Conditional from Selected Cells. AltHLCS
Clear Conditional from the Entire Worksheet. AltHLCE
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Charting
Inserts Chart in the Worksheet (using the selected data). AltF1
Inserts a ChartSheet with a Chart (using the selected data). F11
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Drag (Mouse)
Drag and Copy. CtrlDrag
Drag and Cut. Drag
Drag and Insert. ShiftDrag
Duplicate Worksheet. CtrlDrag
Switch Position of Cells/Rows/Columns. CtrlShiftDrag
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Named Ranges
Get a List of All Defined Named Ranges. F3
Create Named Range from Selection. CtrlShiftF3
Define Name Dialog Box. CtrlF3
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Pivot Table
Display Insert Pivot Table Dialogue Box. AltNV
Open Pivot Table Wizard. AltDP
Select Entire Pivot Table (excluding Report Filters). CtrlA
Add/Remove Checkmark for Selected Field in PivotTable Field List. Space
Group Selected Pivot Table Items. AltShift→
UnGroup Pivot Table Items. AltShift←
Select the Next Item in PivotTable Field List or Items List. ↓
Select a Previous Item in PivotTable Field List or Items List. ↑
Select Last Visible Item in List. End
Select First Visible Item in List. Home
Open Field List for Active Cell. Alt↓
Hide Selected Item or Field. Ctrl–
Opens Calculated Field dialog box (when data field is selected). ShiftCtrl=
Opens Calculated Item Dialog box (when field heading cell is Selected). ShiftCtrl=
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Others
Restore Window Size. CtrlF5
Move Window. CtrlF7
Resize Window. CtrlF8
Previous Window. CtrlShiftF6
Next Pane. F6
Previous Pane. F8
Extend Mode. ShiftF10
Display Shortcut Menu. ShiftF6
Turns On the Add to Selection Mode. ShiftF8
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – VBA
Switch between Excel Worksheet and the VBA editor. AltF11
VB Help. F1
View Object Browser. F2
View Properties. F4
View Code window. F7
View Immediate window. CtrlG
View Shortcut Menu. ShiftF10
Run a Sub/UserForm. F5
Step Into. F8
Step Over. ShiftF8
Step Out. CtrlShiftF8
Run to Cursor. CtrlF8
Toggle Breakpoint. F9
Clear All Breakpoints. CtrlF9
Close VBA Editor and Return to the Excel Worksheet. AltQ
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Move Window. CtrlF7
Resize Window. CtrlF8
Previous Window. CtrlShiftF6
Next Pane. F6
Previous Pane. F8
Extend Mode. ShiftF10
Display Shortcut Menu. ShiftF6
Turns On the Add to Selection Mode. ShiftF8
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – VBA
Switch between Excel Worksheet and the VBA editor. AltF11
VB Help. F1
View Object Browser. F2
View Properties. F4
View Code window. F7
View Immediate window. CtrlG
View Shortcut Menu. ShiftF10
Run a Sub/UserForm. F5
Step Into. F8
Step Over. ShiftF8
Step Out. CtrlShiftF8
Run to Cursor. CtrlF8
Toggle Breakpoint. F9
Clear All Breakpoints. CtrlF9
Close VBA Editor and Return to the Excel Worksheet. AltQ
Sumber : https://trumpexcel.com/
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