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Fungsi Logika dalam Microsoft Excel

Ada beberapa fungsi logika dalam microsoft excel. beberapa diantaranya adalah 
And | Countblank | Countif | If | Large | Max | Min | Not | Or | Small | Sumif | Vlookup

What is the use of And formula?
Checks whether all conditions are passed or not

Syntax of And formula:
and(list of conditions)

Examples of Excel And formula:
and(true, false) = false
and(true, true) = true

What is the use of Countblank formula?
Counts blank cells in a given list

Syntax of Countblank formula:
countblank(in this list)

Examples of Excel Countblank formula:
countblank(list) = number of blank cells in the list

What is the use of Countif formula?
Counts of items in a list matching a condition

Syntax of Countif formula:
countif(in this range, values meeting this criteria)

Examples of Excel Countif formula:
countif(A1:A20, 1) = counts how many cells have "1"
countif(A1:A20, "<3") = counts how many cells have less than 3

What is the use of If formula?
Fetches one of the two values based on a condition

Syntax of If formula:
if(is-this-true?, do this, or this)

Examples of Excel If formula:
if(5<10,"hello","world") = hello
if(5>10,"hello","world") = world

What is the use of Large formula?
Finds the nth largest number in a list

Syntax of Large formula:
large(from this list, nth largest number)

Examples of Excel Large formula:
large(list, 2) = 2nd largest number in the list

What is the use of Max formula?
Finds the maximum of a given list of numbers

Syntax of Max formula:
max(of this list of numbers)

Examples of Excel Max formula:
max(1,2,3) = 3
max(A1:A20) = maximum value in the range A1:A20

What is the use of Min formula?
Finds the minimum of a given list of numbers

Syntax of Min formula:
min(of this list of numbers)

Examples of Excel Min formula:
min(1,2,3) = 1
min(A1:A20) = minimum value in the range A1:A20

What is the use of Not formula?
Negates a logical value

Syntax of Not formula:
not(this logical value)

Examples of Excel Not formula:
not(false) = true
not(not(false)) = false

OrWhat is the use of Or formula?
Checks whether any condition is met

Syntax of Or formula:
or(list of conditions)

Examples of Excel Or formula:
or(true, false) = true
or(false, false) = false

What is the use of Small formula?
Finds the nth smallest number in a list

Syntax of Small formula:
small(from this list, nth smallest number)

Examples of Excel Small formula:
small(list, 2) = 2nd smallest number in the list

What is the use of Sumif formula?
Sums items in a list matching a condition

Syntax of Sumif formula:
sumif(in this range, values meeting this criteria, [sum-this-range])

Examples of Excel Sumif formula:
sumif(A1:A20, 3) = sums the cells with a value of "3"
sumif(A1:A20, 3, b1:b20) = same as above but adds values in B1:B20

What is the use of Vlookup formula?
Searches a list for a value you are looking for and returns a corresponding value

Syntax of Vlookup formula:
vlookup(this value, in this list, and get me value in this column, [is-my-list-sorted?])

Examples of Excel Vlookup formula:
vlookup("John", list, 2, false) = finds where Jon is in the list and returns the value in the 2nd column

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